Introducing the forefront of biological dentistry

At Costa Rica BioHealth, our mission is to integrate cutting-edge advancements in biological dentistry and medicine. We prioritize staying up-to-date by engaging in ongoing education, attending prominent conferences globally, and collaborating with experts from around the world. Our emphasis lies in environmental medicine, detoxification, and immunology, which we consider as essential components of our approach.
In addition to providing exceptional patient care, we are deeply committed to expanding our collective knowledge. This relentless pursuit of knowledge inspires us to consistently deliver top-notch treatments, directly benefiting our patients.
We approach each patient as a unique challenge, dedicating ourselves to meeting their individual needs with unwavering devotion. Our ultimate goal is to deliver exceptional care in every case, ensuring biological preoperative and postoperative support of unparalleled quality. We see ourselves as partners of our patients, striving to guarantee their complete understanding of our therapeutic concept and addressing all their questions.

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Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00

We Speak English and Spanish

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(305) 428-38 20

Torre Lexus, San José, Costa Rica

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